Over the years, I've tried many different types of hair and skincare products. I've spent thousands of dollars on expensive products and hair salons. As I started simplifying my life, I realized that when I used fewer products that were more natural and simpler my skin and hair routine, my skin and hair looked healthier than ever.
We all want to feel and look our best. Beauty is very personal to each unique individual.
A simple beauty routine can highlight our natural beauty.
I'm not a dermatologist or hair expert. This is just what works for me and helps me look and feel my best. Maybe a few of these beauty tips will work for you too.
SKIN CARE 1. Sleep is essential for my overall health and wellbeing. I notice that getting enough sleep also reduces the look of bags under my eyes, bloodshot eyes and helps me look and feel refreshed.
2. The first thing I do in the morning is to drink a large glass of lukewarm water. My body has been without water for many hours and needs to hydrate, which helps with morning puffiness. The lukewarm water helps flush the organs and wakes up the digestive system.
3. Before my shower, I use a body brush to remove dead skin, promote new cell growth, and make my skin smooth.
4. After a shower, I use my homemade moisturizing body butter. It's a combination of coconut oil, shea butter, and cocoa butter. I put the whipped body butter in a simple robin's egg blue glass jar. It is hands down the best lotion I've ever used. It keeps my skin soft, smooth, and glowing.
Check out this instructional video on how to make the best moisturizing body lotion.
5. I wash my face morning and night with Instanatural vitamin C cleanser.
These are the products I have used for years and enjoy. I'm not a paid promoter of Instanatural or any other product I mention. You can find affiliate links to all the products in the links if you would like to try them.
I've used insta natural vitamin C cleanser for a couple of years. I like how it brightens my skin. My face feels clean without over-drying.
6. I follow up with a few drops of Instanatural retinol serum to help with uneven skin tone and wrinkles. I like how the retinol serum gives my face a nice glow and softness.
I'm a child of the '80s and didn't wear sunscreen until I was in my thirties, and my skin paid the price.
7. Today, I wear sunscreen every day. Before I apply my makeup, I use Neutrogena invisible daily defense SPF 60. I like how light and non-greasy this sunscreen is. It goes on clear and doesn't clog my pores.
8. At night I don't use makeup wipes to take off my makeup. I use a few drops of organic Rosehips oil on a tissue. It takes off all of my mascara quickly.
9. I wash my face to remove any dirt or makeup with the vitamin c cleanser.
10. Once a week, I exfoliate. More than once a week is too over drying for me. I take a pea-sized amount of baking soda and mix it on my damp fingers to create a paste. I gently massage the paste in small circles on my face and rinse. Because I'm older and my skin does have some dark pigmentation from my younger years in the sun, this works like a charm to lighten and brighten my skin without harsh bleaching chemicals. I learned this tip from a dermatologist many years ago. I have since heard that baking soda is too short on the skin and can over dry. But, for me, it works well, so I continue exfoliating this way. So for some of you, it may be too harsh, and you may not like the results.
11. I finish my nightly skincare with a few drops of retinol serum and InstaNaturals collagen serum on my face and neck. Plus, a few drops of Rosehip oil to help moisturize and brighten while I sleep.
HAIR CARE I used to have relatively thin, brittle hair. It may have been a combination of over-shampooing, the products I was using, or coloring my hair. Since I stopped coloring my hair and began this simple natural routine, my hair has been shiny, healthy, and thicker than it has been since I was a teenager.
1. I shower every day, but I only wash my hair every 3-4 days. When I washed my hair every day, my hair seemed greasy, and I would lose a lot more hair. It took a few months to train my hair with the new washing schedule.
I don't use shampoo or conditioner.
2. I wash my hair with a homemade mixture of a few drops of Dr. Bronners castile soap, a teaspoon of baking soda, and 4 oz of water. This leaves my hair squeaky clean without stripping it of its natural oils.
3. My conditioner is a 2 oz apple cider vinegar and 2 oz water. I spray it on, making sure to get the scalp, leave for 2 minutes and rinse. Not only does this mixture make my hair super soft, but it also works to balance the ph's levels on the scalp to help prevent dandruff.
These are only the things I use and enjoy. Some of these tips may resonate with you, and others may not. Find the things that make you feel your best. And honor those. Only you know what makes you feel beautiful.