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Writer's pictureConnie Riet

A Simple Routine for a Meaningful and Simplified Life

Updated: Jun 14, 2024

Routines may not sound very exciting, but it is my simple routine that gives structure to my unpredictable life.

It took me several attempts to create a meaningful, simple routine that works for me. I tried to adopt other people's routines and make them fit with my lifestyle. Many were good ideas but I needed to shape my routine to embody all of the things that are meaningful to me. My routine needed to work in harmony with my life.

Every day, I make small steps toward a life of my making and prioritize what is truly important to me.

Life is meaningful when I mindfully align my actions with my values.

Creating a meaningful life begins with choosing how I want to feel.

Having a meaningful life begins with cultivating a meaningful routine.

We all have a desire to live an authentic life, being 100% true and honest with ourselves and others.

But being completely authentic means living without pretense or masks to hide behind, which can be terrifying.

“If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper, more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.” - Brene Brown

To be my authentic self is to be vulnerable.

I meditate each morning to quiet my mind so that I can listen to my intuition and tune into my heart.

I don’t try to “fit in” or “hide” behind masks.

I live each day true to myself. Honoring how I'm physically and emotionally feeling that day.

There are only 24 hours in a day. I want to use my time wisely so that I’m productive and also make time for other things I enjoy. I have the most energy in the mornings and I’m more creative and social in the afternoon. Knowing this, I structure my day accordingly, working in harmony with my natural rhythm.

Mornings are the best time for me to practice self-care. Investing in my well-being.

I do the bulk of my work in the mornings and early afternoons when I’m most focused.

My late afternoons are the perfect time to give my attention to my family and friends. Afternoons are when I clean the house, maybe go for a walk or bake.

I want to wind down in the evenings so I will knit, practice the Ukulele, play a board game with my husband, or read a book.

Instead of scheduling every hour of my day, I find that breaking up my day into time blocks works best for me. Allocating 1-3 hours for an area of life self-care, family, work, personal obligations, and winddown time. This way each area of my life gets attention, leaving me feeling well-rounded.

I’m intentional with my feelings and actions. I begin each day by journaling how I want to feel that day, setting myself up to experience positive feelings throughout the day. I can’t control the events of the day but I can control how I feel.

I mindfully let go of fear and stress and choose joy which brings me peace.

Based on my values, I list the attributes of the kind of person I want to be. This is a good reminder of the characteristics I want to embody. I want to be kind, so I will do small acts of kindness throughout the day. I want to be healthy, so I will intentionally eat healthy foods.

Instead of goals, I set intentions of the direction I want my life to go. I’m a big believer in the power of the mind and what I can achieve when I visualize my ideal life.

I write a journal entry describing a perfect day in my ideal future. I write descriptive details of where I live, my loving relationships, my fulfilling work, and the immense gratitude I feel.

It’s important to me to always nurture things I’m passionate about because that is how I feed my spirit and grow. When I make time to enjoy and take in what I love, like glorious nature, it is as if life itself breaths within me.

This is when I feel most alive, present in the moment, complete and free.

Each of our passions will vary, but the feeling is the same when we nurture them. We become lost in it.

It is our bliss.

It speaks to our soul.

Learning is essential for my mental well-being. It is the self-motivated pursuit of knowledge that sparks my curiosity and mental growth.

I love learning new things whether I’m absorbed in a new book from the library or practicing a new cord on my ukulele.

Learning increases my quality of life and makes me feel young.

A meaningful life will look different for each of us. We find meaning in the things that align with our authentic selves.

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3 commentaires

Carole Mayon
01 nov. 2023

And where do these beautiful pyjamas come from, please?


Carole Mayon
01 nov. 2023

Thanks Connie and hi from France!

I really need to try and meditate again as I have felt too much anxiety in the past few weeks.

I am going to work on finding back a routine that suits me because I have been quite addicted to my cellphone lately, and it is not the kind of person I want to be.


Marcia Hess
27 oct. 2023

Thanks Connie, always intuitive and on point for what I am feeling. I will be working on this to determine where my energy is and how to simplify my routines and schedule to create a structure to my day ❤️

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